Study UK & Careers Fest oleh BritCham Education Centre


Are you looking to pursue further studies in the UK?
Are you looking to enhance your career prospects and explore job opportunities?
Come join us and be part of this fantastic combination of education and career fest!


✓ Date: 24 February 2024
✓ Time: 13.00 – 18.00
✓ Venue: Alila SCBD Jakarta


✓ Date: 25 February 2024
✓ Time: 13.00 – 18.00
✓ Venue: JW Marriott Surabaya


Gain insights and learn more about:
⭐️ Scholarship opportunities from UK Universities up to FULLY FUNDED!*
⭐️ UK University application guidance
⭐️ CV and job interview guidance
⭐️ Career opportunities from reputable companies
*) Terms and conditions apply

[REGISTER HERE????] Registration Link:


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